If I pray "Father..." does this include Jesus?
If...I conclude "in Jesus name." Does Jesus hear and approve? Or does he hear and say to God the Father, "Hey, I don't think so! Don't answer that prayer--."
What if I'm talking to Jesus, does the Father listen in?
Do the two of them discuss my hopes and dreams? My needs and wants?
And then what about the indwelling, fully part of the godhead, the Holy Spirit? Does he get into the conversation? Does he bring to their attention my thoughts and actions?
If I thank Jesus, how does God feel?
The Holy Spirit was sent to be with and in me always. But, what if I forget to acknowledge his presence?
Maybe, I should let them be who they are:
God be God the Father
Jesus be my savior, brother and friend
And the ever present Holy Spirit do his thing
They have been doing quite well up to now. It probably doesn't really matter and all my thinking has just been chasing rabbits.
What do you think?