Monday, March 18, 2013


Re… Really?

I’m on my daughter and son-in-law’s deck in Cle Elum.  It’s 35 degrees, but I’m sitting by a fire, wrapped in a blanket and wearing a couple of sweatshirts.

It’s quiet and peaceful.  Right now, no one is around.  I’m wonderfully alone—just mountains, trees, hills and a lake.  The pine trees, normally green are various colors of black, grey and orange.  Green is missing from the trees and the ground is barren.

A fire rolled through here this fall.  Damaged the house and deck.  Eliminated the garage and all the stuff inside.  Mitch’s cabin is gone.  A tent trailer burned, melted and gone.  All replaceable — ‘stuff’.

The garage is already framed and sided.  Mitch’s cabin won’t be replaced.  The stone fireplace, still stands, a reminder of what once was —

This is the season of Re —  remove the debris.  The burned and twisted remains of a camper, trailer, golf cart and a four wheeler.  The two refrigerators are gone.  Repairing and rebuilding are under way.  Remembering what needs to be replaced is ongoing.

In the spring, trees will be replanted.  Some will be removed.  Will regrow.  Plants and grasses will reappear to cover the barren ground.

The fire I sit beside is warm and comforting.  A reminder of the good side of fire.  The landscape is a frightening reminder of what a wild fire can do.

The destruction of the fire will be removed, repaired and renewed,   Most of the blackened trees will remain.

We will all remember the fire of 2012.  We will remember also how wonderful it is to have this retreat available to rest, recover, renew, reconnect, rejoice, and review our life.

And we will remember how blessed we are to have each other.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What were you thinkin'

Ah, Jesus, what were you thinkin’  when as the Holy Spirit you came upon Mary? Was that the moment you left the Father’s presence?  Was it you who spent nine months inside of Mary?

As you grew from boy to man, did you think about the path you were on?  Or, were you able to run and play like other little boys?  How was it sitting and listening to ‘the learned ones’ as they taught you, your word.  We read how at age twelve, you taught those in the temple.  You knew then that you were about your Father's business, yet you lived under your parents' roof and authority.  What were you thinkin’?

You obeyed your mother at the wedding.  Then you had to separate yourself from your family when they could not understand your actions and mission.  Did you ever try to sit down, look them in the eye and say, “This is who I am.  This is what I must do."?

What were you thinkin’ out there in the wilderness with only the angels and satan?  And then, those long, dusty walks all over Israel.  What were you thinkin’?

The crowds.  All wanting something from you.  Food.  Miracles.  Healing.  Sight.  And some just wanted to prove you were wrong.

And then, looking over Jerusalem, you wept and questioned and wanted…  Not the cheers.  Not the trial.  Not the beatings.  Not the confusion and unbelief.  Not being left alone.  Not the pain and horror of the cross.

You wanted Me!  All along you were thinkin’ about me.


    I sit out on our deck each morning with my cup of Chai tea.
Last time I purchased tea, I bought Caramel flavored Chai, as well as Spiced Chai.  I liked the Caramel, but was growing tired of it.  I was looking forward to emptying my latest mix of Caramel and creamer and starting on the Spiced Chai.
    Yesterday, I used the last of the Caramel mix and went for my new bag of Spiced tea.  To my great surprise, it was half full and already mixed.  So, I had been drinking Spiced—thinking it was Caramel!  Yearning for the Spiced.
   Then that ‘still small voice’ uttered these words, “Stop and Savor!”
I had forgotten to Savor what I had, looking for something I already possessed.  What else am I missing?   STOP & SAVOR!