Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good Friday

Good Friday…

I wonder why they call it “Good Friday”. It certainly wasn’t one of the easiest days of Jesus’ life on earth.

He had eaten the Passover with his disciples. Tried in vain to explain the bread—His body broken for them. The cup—God’s new covenant poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

He confronted his disciples with the facts that one of them would betray Him and one would deny knowing Him. Then they bickered over which one of them would be greatest. They just didn’t understand.

He warned of great trouble. They each would have great responsibilities for His people.

After the meal, they went to Mount Olives to pray. He prayed. They slept. He pleaded with God—then submitted to His will.

He was arrested—taken from Chief Priest, High Council and finally to Pilate himself. He was dragged, beaten, mocked, spit upon and lied about. He had pulled an all-nighter. Then condemned to death—he hung on a cross. His Father turned away. The people mocked and stared. His followers were stunned and frightened.

The agony of the sins of all mankind hung as a crushing weight. A great darkness covered the earth.

Finally He gave up His spirit and soul. All that was left on the cross was a dead, beaten body.
And we call this “Good Friday”.

Thinkin’ another way—
If this had not happened, there would be no hope—
But, because of “Good Friday” sins are forgiven. Abundant life is available. And heaven is a destination. So, I guess it really is “Good Friday” for me.


Was it cold on the cross? Good Friday started out beautiful. Sunny. Warm enough to work outside. Then clouds blew in and it began to rain. Then snow. It got way too cold to be outside.

I thought about Jesus. This was His day on the cross. He’d been up all night. Beaten. Lied about. Probably didn’t even get any breakfast.

Then he was hauled out to Golgotha to hang on a cross. We know about the crown of thorns. The nails in his hands and feet. The soldiers gambling for His clothes—so I imagine he hung there naked. Naked in front of all who passed by or stopped to stare.

I can’t help but think, it was cold up there one the cross. Cold and lonely. He was alone you know. Not even the presence of God was with Him.

He hung there naked, alone and cold. For me. For you. For all the sin in the world.

His choice.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I wonder...
Did Jesus wake up and say, "Oh, No. Monday! I've got to go to work today!"
Did he complain to God about how hard the ground he slept on was?
Did he wonder what he'd eat for breakfast or if he'd get breakfast?
Did he open his eyes and hope there was no crowd. That for once he'd have a day off- To walk the beach - Kick some sand - Enjoy the scenery - Alone. Undisturbed by people. Problems. Politics. Pharisees.
I wonder... did Jesus roll over. Pull his cloak over his head and say, "I'm staying here all day. Those folks can wait till tomorrow -- or go to Hell. It's their fault after all. I'm not the sinner -- I'm doing (and always have) what the Father wants. I'm the good one. I'm taking the day off."

I wonder did he ever wake up in a bad mood? Did he say,"If I get up and meet some folks, I don't think I'll be compassionate. Or kind today. I'll jut tell those irritating folks to shut up. Get out of my sight. I'm tired of being humble. Being a servant. In fact, today, I think it will be Christ. God and the Holy Spirit. God has been #1 forever. Now it's my turn."

I wonder, did he ever think...I'll let them know how strong I am today. Move some mountains. Call down some thunder and lightning. Zap a few of those Sadducees. Let them know who is in charge.

And today -- no forgiveness. None. Not even if they deserve it. I'm leaving love at home today.

I wonder... would Jesus do that. Even for one day? Would he if he could? But you see he can't. Not even for a day. An hour. A minute.

Jesus is love. He has been and always will be hopelessly, completely in love with us. He is never without it.

Therefore, from that love comes compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline, even temper and forgiveness.

S'more thinkin'...
I don't have to wonder about how Jesus feels. He never takes a day off. He is always love.

But, Jesus has to wonder about me... Do I walk in love? Every day?


I guess I just woke up crabby.

It's a beautiful morning. I’m so glad to be home after a 6-day trip. Sleeping in my own bed was wonderful. I was looking forward to sitting in front of the fire. In the quiet. Spending time with God. Reading. Writing.

The phone woke me up at 6:45. Hung up before I could spring out of bed. No doubt a call from back east. Called our daughter to wish her Happy Birthday. She was on the run and will call back later.

Goodness, Dan is up. He usually sleeps another hour or two. Now he is checking the answering machine. I have a Doctor appointment and mammogram. This afternoon. That will change my plans for today. Thought they were scheduled for tomorrow. Now he's checking the messages again. Has the radio on.

My quiet is gone. Now he's discovered the coffee I made for him isn't. I forgot to push the button. So the coffee machine is doing its thing. Making its noise. Now I am really crabby.

Been thinkin'...

Did I wake up crabby? Or did I let things make me crabby.
Who is in charge of my emotions?

The fire is warm. The chair is soft. I have my cocoa.
The sun is painting the sky for me. God is here.
I have a choice.

Dan is at his desk. Happy. He hasn't discovered I'm crabby. Probably won't till he reads this.

Thursday, April 22, 2010



Don't you just love the delete key? Delete. Delete. X. Those emails, where I can improve my life with a degree. (I already have one, thank you very much) I wouldn't even have to take classes or tests. Where were they 50 years ago? Delete -

And wonderful, cheap prescriptions. Delete - And wonder of wonders, I can make thousands of dollars on penny stocks. Why aren't they making all that money instead of filling my inbox with their junk? Delete -

They can't even write complete sentences or put a paragraph together. I don't even try to read that stuff anymore. Just hit the delete key and off into cyber space they go.

I wonder if all these deleted junk emails are plugging up some part of the universe. In 20 or even 10 years, someone will probably discover we are about to lose our oxygen or view of the moon, because of deleted junk mail. Or horror of horrors, they will be able to sit outside and capture the emails I send out - my private and very interesting thoughts.

I'm glad God doesn't use his delete key. Glad that he listens, thinks about and answers my Gmails (prayer).

I glad He doesn't just delete me...