Cell Phones...
Cell phones are everywhere. Most folks don't leave home without them. Or the room. They even take their phone to the bathroom with them.
Clutching our iPhone close we drive and talk. Even when it is against the law. I wonder how many people have been killed while driving and texting? I imagine it will soon be ranked up there with drinking and driving.
I see people walking along or eating out with someone while talking on their cell. Often they sit side by side and text. Sometimes others. Other times each other. Many watch TV and text. My grandson can even text in his pocket.
A new phone is introduced and millions upgrade. At enormous cost. There are thousands of apps.
I heard on the news about an iDoctor. There is a special attachment that attaches to your cell. When placed on your heart it sends information to the doctor. iDoctor claims that he now writes more apps than prescriptions.
I think God would like the same relationship and constant connection we have with our cell phone. Call often. Tweet much. Twitter constantly.
iGod (my God) is always available. 24/7. No needed upgrades. All calls are free. Paid for in advance 2000 years ago.