Friday, December 9, 2016

You want me to do what?

"You want me to do what?"

 The sermon was about Jesus as a shepherd. A shepherd was the lowest of the low. Looked down upon. Couldn't even testify in court.

At Bible Study, I learned that bramble bushes were gathered and stacked to make the sheep pen. The shepherd slept at the opening. Anything: sheep rustlers, wolf, lion or bear had to get past the shepherd to get to the sheep.

My mind flew to heaven. I pictured God and Jesus discussing his 'trip to earth'. "You want me to be what? A shepherd? Keeping them safe. Sleeping on the ground? Keeping them calm, so they can eat? Going after the ones that won't stay with the flock? Giving up my life for even one wayward lamb?" 

"Why do I have to go as a Jew? Most of the world hates Jews. Jews think they know it all. Their leaders will not want to give up their ideas nor authority. They are certain who God is and how He works and what his plans are. You, dear Father, have to be kidding!"

"You want me to ask for water: From a Samaritan, A women? Come on, I invented water. Jewish men don't talk to women. And certainly not Samaritan women. And her? Good Grief! Do you know what kind of woman she is. What if someone sees me? You're kidding?"

"I'll spend nine months where? Oh, NO! then thirty years just hanging around Nazareth. Then three years wandering around Israel with a dozen unusual, arguing misfits. Crowds pushing and demanding miracles. Come on, Dad, can't we come up with a better plan?"

"A cross? A CROSS! A long painful death. And naked! With people mocking. Spitting. Jeering. And to top it all off, You won't be able to stand the sight. All of the evil, hurtful wrongs of the world will be piled on me. Just as if I had really committed them. Father, just when I need you the most, you won't be there. Are you sure this is the only way?"

"Remember, they have chosen to walk away from us. They made the choice. Then followed up with actions. Hurtful evil. Sin after sin. They don't deserve mercy or grace."

God said, "Will you do it?" Jesus said, "Of course!" 
 And He did.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Work of Art... A Gift of Love

       A Work of Art... A Gift of Love...

       Our wonderful friends, Kathi and Frank, came for a visit on Monday.  They came
       bearing gifts --

       Frank brought a bottle of wine - Sweet Peach wine. Wine he made in his own 'Lab'. 
       In his basement. From the fruit on his farm.  

       Kathi, the multi-crafter, brought  a 'portfolio'. Homemade from her crafting, sewing, 
       quilting place upstairs. Describing this portfolio is difficult. You really have to see,
       hold and page through it to get the real 'feel'. It fits perfectly on my lap. Soft but sturdy.          Filled with STUFF. A holder for a note pad and cards. There are several writing                      notebooks. These are removable, so I can put new ones in as I fill them with 
       Thinkin's,Thoughts and Randomness. Finishing off is a booklet with grid paper 
       for ideas, plans and whatever.

       Works of Art - their kind of art.

       Gifts of Love - Time spent. Knowing that I love sweet wine, writing and
       sometimes thinking and dreaming.

        Best of all - their presence. Which was way, way too short.

       But, as I write and drink the wine, they are here with me.

       Gifts of Time.    Love in action.   That is what friends do...