Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What were you thinkin'

Ah, Jesus, what were you thinkin’  when as the Holy Spirit you came upon Mary? Was that the moment you left the Father’s presence?  Was it you who spent nine months inside of Mary?

As you grew from boy to man, did you think about the path you were on?  Or, were you able to run and play like other little boys?  How was it sitting and listening to ‘the learned ones’ as they taught you, your word.  We read how at age twelve, you taught those in the temple.  You knew then that you were about your Father's business, yet you lived under your parents' roof and authority.  What were you thinkin’?

You obeyed your mother at the wedding.  Then you had to separate yourself from your family when they could not understand your actions and mission.  Did you ever try to sit down, look them in the eye and say, “This is who I am.  This is what I must do."?

What were you thinkin’ out there in the wilderness with only the angels and satan?  And then, those long, dusty walks all over Israel.  What were you thinkin’?

The crowds.  All wanting something from you.  Food.  Miracles.  Healing.  Sight.  And some just wanted to prove you were wrong.

And then, looking over Jerusalem, you wept and questioned and wanted…  Not the cheers.  Not the trial.  Not the beatings.  Not the confusion and unbelief.  Not being left alone.  Not the pain and horror of the cross.

You wanted Me!  All along you were thinkin’ about me.


  1. A 12-year-old teaching. That is something, huh? Smart people listened anyway. Nice job, Juju.

  2. Like getting a new view from you Judy. Always great to read what you send. Keep it up....


  3. You are wonderfully created. Love reading all your. Thanks for thinking and sharing.

    1. Love reading all your blogs. Don't know where the word went.
