Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Been Thinkin': Assume...Chocolate chipcookie dough.  That’s what...

Been Thinkin': Assume... Chocolate chipcookie dough.  That’s what...: Assume... Chocolate chip cookie dough.  That’s what our friends brought last night.   They had called and wanted to stop by.  Since...

Chocolate chip cookie dough.  That’s what our friends brought last night.  

They had called and wanted to stop by.  Since it was dinner time they would bring pizza. So I turned on the oven and waited.  

When they arrived I stuck the pizza in the oven and the dough in the refrigerator.  

We visited, ate the pizza, cleared the dirty dishes. It was time for dessert.  

So, I removed the dough from the refrigerator, grabbed four spoons and plunked the container on the table.  

Everyone stared at me. I stood there puzzled.  Thought a minute and began laughing. “Oh, when you said you brought dessert, you meant hot freshly baked cookies."

I had even laughed when I stuck them in the refrigerator looking for the “don’t eat raw cookie dough” and finding it!  We all had a good laugh as I turned the still warm oven on to bake the cookies. 

Sometimes I assume one thing and another person has a different plan.  Personally, I like cookie dough  raw and baked. Last night baking the dough never entered my mind.  Until I saw their stunned faces. 

Sometimes, my husband says something and I assume he means something else. Or I respond in an unexpected way. It is best to check our what he means. Solves many misunderstandings.

Do I do the same with God’s Word?  He has one meaning and I read it my way?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Good Friday

Good Friday

I wonder why they call it “Good Friday?”  It certainly wasn’t one of the easiest days of Jesus’ life on earth.

He had eaten the Passover with His disciples. Tried in vain to explain the bread - His body broken for them.  The cup – His blood. God’s new covenant poured out for the forgiveness of sins.

He confronted them - one of them would betray Him. One would deny knowing Him.  They bickered over which one   would be greatest.  

 He warned them of trouble. They each would have great responsibilities for His people. They just didn’t understand.

 After the meal they went to Mount Olives to pray.  He prayed, they slept. He pleaded with God. Then submitted to His will.  

He was arrested, drug from Chief Priest to High Council and finally to Pilate himself. He was dragged, beaten, mocked, spit upon,lied about then condemned to death.  He had pulled an all nighter.  

Finally, he hung on a cross.    The people mocked and stared – his followers were stunned and frightened.  Many deserted.  The agony of the sins of all mankind was a crushing weight.  His Father turned away. A great darkness hung over the earth.

And then He gave up His spirit and soul.  All that was left was a dead, beaten, broken body. 

And we call this “Good Friday.”

Thinking another way – 
If this had not happened there would be no hope.  But because of Good Friday, sins are forgiven.  Abundant life is available.  And heaven is the destination.  So, I guess it really is “Good Friday” for you and me...


Monday, March 14, 2016

A Wild Ride...

Dan was in a dance band in College and when we were first married.  The band, The Stompers, traveled all over Washington, Idaho, Montana and Canada.

The previous year they had played in Kimberly, BC for the snow Fiesta.  The Car Club that had hired them asked them to return.  I decided to travel with them. 

After the dance, we went to someone's house for drinks. I 'wowed' them with my funny American accent and different words. (Napkin for serviette, etc)

About 2 a.m. we decided to go check out the Bobsled run. The club had a bobsled that would be racing later that day. 

"Would any of you like to have a ride?"

Of course, I'd like a ride! 

So, helmet on I climbed between the driver and another guy. And away we went. Let me tell you: Bobsleds really do go fast and they really do go up the sides of the course. Going up and around one of the curves we went too high and the bobsled flipped. Dumped us and flew over our heads. (It's the only time I have ever seen stars.)

We all slid for quite a bit and watched as the sled hit a bank and stopped. The two fellows righted the sled, found my shoes and said, "Get on!"

They spent the rest of the night repairing the run.

I realized the wearing a skirt, riding a bobsled at 2 in the morning was not a good idea.
But, it was and is a memorable experience.