Monday, March 14, 2016

A Wild Ride...

Dan was in a dance band in College and when we were first married.  The band, The Stompers, traveled all over Washington, Idaho, Montana and Canada.

The previous year they had played in Kimberly, BC for the snow Fiesta.  The Car Club that had hired them asked them to return.  I decided to travel with them. 

After the dance, we went to someone's house for drinks. I 'wowed' them with my funny American accent and different words. (Napkin for serviette, etc)

About 2 a.m. we decided to go check out the Bobsled run. The club had a bobsled that would be racing later that day. 

"Would any of you like to have a ride?"

Of course, I'd like a ride! 

So, helmet on I climbed between the driver and another guy. And away we went. Let me tell you: Bobsleds really do go fast and they really do go up the sides of the course. Going up and around one of the curves we went too high and the bobsled flipped. Dumped us and flew over our heads. (It's the only time I have ever seen stars.)

We all slid for quite a bit and watched as the sled hit a bank and stopped. The two fellows righted the sled, found my shoes and said, "Get on!"

They spent the rest of the night repairing the run.

I realized the wearing a skirt, riding a bobsled at 2 in the morning was not a good idea.
But, it was and is a memorable experience.

1 comment:

  1. It should be: that wearing a skirt... NOT: the skirt... I thought I really had this thing done. I have posted a comment 3 times. And the blog to Facebook and my email. Hasn't worked yet!!!
