Saturday, April 24, 2010

I wonder...
Did Jesus wake up and say, "Oh, No. Monday! I've got to go to work today!"
Did he complain to God about how hard the ground he slept on was?
Did he wonder what he'd eat for breakfast or if he'd get breakfast?
Did he open his eyes and hope there was no crowd. That for once he'd have a day off- To walk the beach - Kick some sand - Enjoy the scenery - Alone. Undisturbed by people. Problems. Politics. Pharisees.
I wonder... did Jesus roll over. Pull his cloak over his head and say, "I'm staying here all day. Those folks can wait till tomorrow -- or go to Hell. It's their fault after all. I'm not the sinner -- I'm doing (and always have) what the Father wants. I'm the good one. I'm taking the day off."

I wonder did he ever wake up in a bad mood? Did he say,"If I get up and meet some folks, I don't think I'll be compassionate. Or kind today. I'll jut tell those irritating folks to shut up. Get out of my sight. I'm tired of being humble. Being a servant. In fact, today, I think it will be Christ. God and the Holy Spirit. God has been #1 forever. Now it's my turn."

I wonder, did he ever think...I'll let them know how strong I am today. Move some mountains. Call down some thunder and lightning. Zap a few of those Sadducees. Let them know who is in charge.

And today -- no forgiveness. None. Not even if they deserve it. I'm leaving love at home today.

I wonder... would Jesus do that. Even for one day? Would he if he could? But you see he can't. Not even for a day. An hour. A minute.

Jesus is love. He has been and always will be hopelessly, completely in love with us. He is never without it.

Therefore, from that love comes compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline, even temper and forgiveness.

S'more thinkin'...
I don't have to wonder about how Jesus feels. He never takes a day off. He is always love.

But, Jesus has to wonder about me... Do I walk in love? Every day?

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