Don't you just love the delete key? Delete. Delete. X. Those emails, where I can improve my life with a degree. (I already have one, thank you very much) I wouldn't even have to take classes or tests. Where were they 50 years ago? Delete -
And wonderful, cheap prescriptions. Delete - And wonder of wonders, I can make thousands of dollars on penny stocks. Why aren't they making all that money instead of filling my inbox with their junk? Delete -
They can't even write complete sentences or put a paragraph together. I don't even try to read that stuff anymore. Just hit the delete key and off into cyber space they go.
I wonder if all these deleted junk emails are plugging up some part of the universe. In 20 or even 10 years, someone will probably discover we are about to lose our oxygen or view of the moon, because of deleted junk mail. Or horror of horrors, they will be able to sit outside and capture the emails I send out - my private and very interesting thoughts.
I'm glad God doesn't use his delete key. Glad that he listens, thinks about and answers my Gmails (prayer).
I glad He doesn't just delete me...
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