Saturday, April 24, 2010


I guess I just woke up crabby.

It's a beautiful morning. I’m so glad to be home after a 6-day trip. Sleeping in my own bed was wonderful. I was looking forward to sitting in front of the fire. In the quiet. Spending time with God. Reading. Writing.

The phone woke me up at 6:45. Hung up before I could spring out of bed. No doubt a call from back east. Called our daughter to wish her Happy Birthday. She was on the run and will call back later.

Goodness, Dan is up. He usually sleeps another hour or two. Now he is checking the answering machine. I have a Doctor appointment and mammogram. This afternoon. That will change my plans for today. Thought they were scheduled for tomorrow. Now he's checking the messages again. Has the radio on.

My quiet is gone. Now he's discovered the coffee I made for him isn't. I forgot to push the button. So the coffee machine is doing its thing. Making its noise. Now I am really crabby.

Been thinkin'...

Did I wake up crabby? Or did I let things make me crabby.
Who is in charge of my emotions?

The fire is warm. The chair is soft. I have my cocoa.
The sun is painting the sky for me. God is here.
I have a choice.

Dan is at his desk. Happy. He hasn't discovered I'm crabby. Probably won't till he reads this.

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