Concealed Weapon...
The other night on the local news, they reported that the rules on carrying a concealed weapon had been changed. The rules had to align with the state laws.
Then they said “You can carry a concealed weapon, if you have the proper documentation but you can’t shoot it.” Now that got my attention.
Now, if I want to carry a gun and have the permit to prove it, I’m ok. Legal. However, if I shoot it, especially in the city limits, I can be arrested.
My brain kicked in. Ok, I’m in a bad situation. I pull out my gun along with my permit to carry. Since I can’t shoot, what do I do? Throw the gun at the bad guy? Ask to see his permit? Does this seem ridiculous to you, too?
Then my thinking moved on. I have a secret weapon. Available at all times. The Holy Spirit. I have a permit to carry. Jesus says “I will never leave you. I will send the Holy Spirit.” Here’s the problem. Do I keep it a secret? It is not politically or socially correct to talk religion. But, is it ok to talk about my love affair with Jesus?
And when the really bad guy – satan – shows up, I need to pull out and flash my permit to carry. “In the name of Jesus – scat, scoot, be gone!” And the Bible says “He must flee.”
written 9/3/10