Sunday, September 17, 2017

Concealed Weapon...

Concealed Weapon...

The other night on the local news, they reported that the rules on carrying a concealed weapon had been changed. The rules had to align with the state laws.
Then they said “You can carry a concealed weapon, if you have the proper documentation but you can’t shoot it.”  Now that got my attention.
Now, if I want to carry a gun and have the permit to prove it, I’m ok.  Legal.  However, if I shoot it, especially in the city limits, I can be arrested.
My brain kicked in. Ok, I’m in a bad situation. I pull out my gun along with my permit to carry. Since I can’t shoot, what do I do? Throw the gun at the bad guy?  Ask to see his permit?  Does this seem ridiculous to you, too?
Then my thinking moved on.  I have a secret weapon. Available at all times. The Holy Spirit.  I have a permit to carry. Jesus says “I will never leave you. I will send the Holy Spirit.”  Here’s the problem. Do I keep it a secret?  It is not politically or socially correct to talk religion.  But, is it ok to talk about my love affair with Jesus?
And when the really bad guy – satan – shows up, I need to pull out and flash my permit to carry.  “In the name of Jesus – scat, scoot, be gone!”  And the Bible says “He must flee.”  
written 9/3/10

Friday, September 8, 2017


This is from my writing class...


Thirty days hath September...

The lazy hazy days of summer are beginning to fade away. Replaced by the cool crisp mornings, sunny, warm afternoons and cool, clear nights.

September brings great joy and excitement. My first granddaughter, Audrey, was born in September. My first great granddaughter, Adeline, was born thirty years later in September.

And then 9/11. A horrifying day. Many died. Many became heroes. The nation drew together. Families checked on one another, 'Where are you?' each of our kids called and inquired. And each year a return to the events of that day.

School starts. Personally, I would prefer an October start. Let school out in June. A sunny, hot, cloudy, rainy, cold month. September is wonderful. Leaves changing color before leaving trees bare for the winter.

Giant V's filling the sky. (This morning 17 V's and long trailing lines heading north filled the sky. I would expect South, maybe I'm confused)

And now the aftermath of Harvey. Water and destruction everywhere. Also the fires, forests and homes gone. Exhauster workers, loss of people and animals.

Disaster... bringing out the best in most and the worst in some. And here the hazy sky reminding me of how blessed I am. Smoke from far off fires and the noise from heavy machinery as our street and sidewalk are torn up to be replaced. It will be a better place in another month.

Thirty days hath September... eight are already gone...

I think September is my favorite month, maybe not this year.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


God has called us to be His witness'.

Just how does that work?

Most people are opposed to having their faults pointed out.

I saw a sign on a church reader board: God needs more witness's less judges.

Since I watch crime shows on TV, I am almost an expert on what a witness can and should say. I have also been on jury duty a couple of times -- so, I know what I'm talking about...

A witness: tells what he/she saw or heard. First hand information!

A witness: answers the question that is asked. They don't volunteer additional feelings or thoughts or words. Answer only the question?

A witness: tells the truth. They do not make things up. Lie or embellish. Truth and only the truth.

If I am to be a witness for God, I need to live a life, so others will ask the right questions. I need to listen to the question AND answer the question. With my experience. And tell the truth.

To do this, I need to know 'the truth' and trust God to take it from there. 

I am 'the witness'.
God is the 'judge' not me.

But, it needs to be personal. My words. My story. What I have seen. What I have heard. What I have experienced.

Jesus Christ...God's son... My Savior...