Thursday, November 2, 2017



I like simple - easy - not complicated.

I just read Psalm 116:5-7: 
     The Lord protects the simple hearted.

I have never thought of a simple heart. A simple mind perhaps. And then my mind goes to College English 101. The instructor stopped the class, of about 50+ students, and asked me, "Are you wasting daddy's money?" 

I could have answered, "No, I wasn't wasting his money. I was the one paying the bills". I don't think she liked me...

Now, that my mind has wandered back, I Googled simple. I was right easy - not complicated, but there are more definitions. Uneducated - foolish - stupid - feeble - little value - ignorant - plain - elementary.

Okay. Now, back to the simple heart. The God I know is all about: grace, mercy and love. If he wants a simple heart, or any of the above definitions, HEAR I am. (Did that get your attention?) 

You have to be quiet and listen with ears, heart, mind and soul. Sounds complicated! But, here I am Lord! Ready to hear with a simple heart.

* gramatical and punctuation errors are mine... I stopped listening to her!

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Psalm 50:15 (The Message) “Spread for me a banquet of praise, a feast of kept promises.” Psalm 50:23 (The Message) “It’s the praising life that honors me.”
As I sat this morning with God, ready to begin my list of prayer requests (one of the side benefits of several small group membership, is a rather long list of requests)
I read Psalm 50
Psalm 50:15
  • God wants.  A Banquet of Praise.  Banquets are not just meat and potatoes - no a banquet is a long table or two of the tastiest foods possible.  Too many choices – our plates runneth over. We also need to save room for the plethora of desserts.  

  •  God wants a feast of kept promises.  Now a feast isn’t just hamburgers and fries. A feast is like a banquet – too much food.  All good food.  Again we eat way too much.  
  • God wants us to call Him for help.  Help for what?  He doesn’t describe help – but I know when I need it. He wants me to call on Him and He will help.  His way.  His time.  
God doesn’t want our sacrifices, He already has all He needs.
Psalm 50:23  
Praise honors and delights God.  A little praise brings much pleasure to God.  And to others. Promises kept are His desire and He is ready and willing to help.  

We parent our children to become independent.  To make wise choices.  We love to have them ask our advice.  But usually we hear later.  God, on the other hand, wants us to become like children.  Completely, wholly dependent on Him.  
His ways are not our way – nor are His thoughts our thoughts.


Thursday, October 19, 2017


The hardest, no the 2nd hardest exercise is balancing on one foot on a four inch piece of semi/stiff foam for a whole minute. That is 60 seconds! Until the beeper beeps.
Someone stands beside me to catch me if I tip or fall and to offer encouragement.  “Almost there!”  “Good job!”
I can grab the bar in front of me when I get too wiggly.  Sometimes, just touching the bar steadies me.  How this helps my new knee is a mystery to me.  There are few times, actually, none, where I have needed to balance for any length of time on a four inch piece of foam.  
It has been explained that the balance centers mostly in the ankle, then moves up the body.  Sometimes putting my arms out helps.  Touching the bar happens often. One whole minute.  60 seconds seems like an eternity. But finally the beeper beeps.
The hardest exercise is the heel slides. I lay on my back.  Hook a belt on my foot and drag it as close to my butt as possible.  Hold. Then release.  10 times.  My knee is really not interested in bending that much.  If I want to walk normally, I need to get to 120 degrees.  Right now it takes a lot of pulling on my part and pushing, massaging on their part to get to 120 degrees. Balance and flexibility necessary for a smooth  walk.  
The therapists and helpers are great encouragers.  Their whole focus is on getting me back to a normal full life and they are ready to catch me if I fall.  They are pushing and pulling and most of all – encouraging.  
God says, “Count it a sheer gift when tests and challenges come to you… under pressure your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors – So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely.  Let it do its work as you become mature and well developed not deficient in any way.”  James 1:2-4 The Message.
I want to walk normally without pain.  I have a new knee and will soon have another.  I have a whole team of people helping, instructing and encouraging.  

Test?  Trial?  Or a sheer gift!
I wrote this a few years ago. After my first knee replacement. It seems as though various parts of my body are needing special attention now.
Maybe, my attitude too!! Do these things continue forever?

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Plans Change...

The Plan…

Dan and I got married before his senior year and my junior year in college. We would graduate, teach and then start a family

Plans change...

Time to reverse the plan. Surprise! We were starting a family. OK. Dan would graduate. I would finish my junior year. Have the baby and finish college.

Macintosh HD:Users:Judy:Desktop:IMG_0379.jpg       Macintosh HD:Users:Judy:Desktop:IMG_0378.jpg        Macintosh HD:Users:Judy:Desktop:IMG_0377 (1).jpg

That plan changed too...

Three babies and four years later, Dan decided to return to college and get his Masters Degree. I would then finish my senior year.

Plans change again…

A mix-up with grades caused Dan’s fellowship to collapse and vanish. He took a long-term substitute position in Spokane. I student taught 1st grade then another student teaching in 7th and 8th grade. I got hired to teach 3rd grade beginning in January. But, I had to finish my BA before I could teach. So, I took a correspondence class and one or two night classes. All this totaled 26 credits for fall quarter and a BA in December.

Again plans change...   

Macintosh HD:Users:Judy:Desktop:IMG_0376.jpgFast-forward 10 years…
I taught Special Reading for six months. Finished my 5th year of college and began my second year of teaching. The first day of school my principal showed up, “You are one credit short.” Somehow, one credit was earned before I taught a full year. I called Olympia. The Queen and final word on teacher certification, informed me, “You should have taught school instead of staying home and raising kids!". This was said by, the single ‘in’ charge of credentials lady.

One credit! OK! I can do this. I called Central Washington College. I did a directed study, finished in one week (got an A). Done. The credit was sent here, there and nowhere to be found. Lost! My job could no longer be held. Home Again!

Another 10 years…
Two kids in college, Karmen a junior in High School and once again, I began my beloved teaching career.

I would not change all these changes, even if I could. I was able to accomplish my most important job in the world… I was home with my kids…

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Concealed Weapon...

Concealed Weapon...

The other night on the local news, they reported that the rules on carrying a concealed weapon had been changed. The rules had to align with the state laws.
Then they said “You can carry a concealed weapon, if you have the proper documentation but you can’t shoot it.”  Now that got my attention.
Now, if I want to carry a gun and have the permit to prove it, I’m ok.  Legal.  However, if I shoot it, especially in the city limits, I can be arrested.
My brain kicked in. Ok, I’m in a bad situation. I pull out my gun along with my permit to carry. Since I can’t shoot, what do I do? Throw the gun at the bad guy?  Ask to see his permit?  Does this seem ridiculous to you, too?
Then my thinking moved on.  I have a secret weapon. Available at all times. The Holy Spirit.  I have a permit to carry. Jesus says “I will never leave you. I will send the Holy Spirit.”  Here’s the problem. Do I keep it a secret?  It is not politically or socially correct to talk religion.  But, is it ok to talk about my love affair with Jesus?
And when the really bad guy – satan – shows up, I need to pull out and flash my permit to carry.  “In the name of Jesus – scat, scoot, be gone!”  And the Bible says “He must flee.”  
written 9/3/10

Friday, September 8, 2017


This is from my writing class...


Thirty days hath September...

The lazy hazy days of summer are beginning to fade away. Replaced by the cool crisp mornings, sunny, warm afternoons and cool, clear nights.

September brings great joy and excitement. My first granddaughter, Audrey, was born in September. My first great granddaughter, Adeline, was born thirty years later in September.

And then 9/11. A horrifying day. Many died. Many became heroes. The nation drew together. Families checked on one another, 'Where are you?' each of our kids called and inquired. And each year a return to the events of that day.

School starts. Personally, I would prefer an October start. Let school out in June. A sunny, hot, cloudy, rainy, cold month. September is wonderful. Leaves changing color before leaving trees bare for the winter.

Giant V's filling the sky. (This morning 17 V's and long trailing lines heading north filled the sky. I would expect South, maybe I'm confused)

And now the aftermath of Harvey. Water and destruction everywhere. Also the fires, forests and homes gone. Exhauster workers, loss of people and animals.

Disaster... bringing out the best in most and the worst in some. And here the hazy sky reminding me of how blessed I am. Smoke from far off fires and the noise from heavy machinery as our street and sidewalk are torn up to be replaced. It will be a better place in another month.

Thirty days hath September... eight are already gone...

I think September is my favorite month, maybe not this year.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


God has called us to be His witness'.

Just how does that work?

Most people are opposed to having their faults pointed out.

I saw a sign on a church reader board: God needs more witness's less judges.

Since I watch crime shows on TV, I am almost an expert on what a witness can and should say. I have also been on jury duty a couple of times -- so, I know what I'm talking about...

A witness: tells what he/she saw or heard. First hand information!

A witness: answers the question that is asked. They don't volunteer additional feelings or thoughts or words. Answer only the question?

A witness: tells the truth. They do not make things up. Lie or embellish. Truth and only the truth.

If I am to be a witness for God, I need to live a life, so others will ask the right questions. I need to listen to the question AND answer the question. With my experience. And tell the truth.

To do this, I need to know 'the truth' and trust God to take it from there. 

I am 'the witness'.
God is the 'judge' not me.

But, it needs to be personal. My words. My story. What I have seen. What I have heard. What I have experienced.

Jesus Christ...God's son... My Savior...

Thursday, August 24, 2017


You have not, because you ask not...

I am a do it yourself person. Whether I know how to do something or not - I try to fix, move, tear down or build up. Many of my 'projects' sit, waiting for completion, because I hate to ask for help.

Several years ago I broke my wrist when I leaned out too far on a ladder. I was then ordered,'no more ladders'. The bent one was removed from the premises. Friends and family do that to protect those they love.

Sometime later, I completed a task that was noticed by a member of our Home Group. 'Why didn't you call me?'

'I didn't want to bother you!'

Leaning out from the circle so he could look me in the eye, Andy said,'Could that be pride?'

'Of course not,' I replied...

My computer was not co-operating with me. I fussed and fumed. Dan couldn't figure it out either.

For a week my computer sat useless. Two reasons: I didn't know who to ask and yes, my pride was there. I began to think about who to ask - An expert. A Geek*. That is when Curtis came to mind. He made no mention of my lack of Geekiness. He patiently explained the 'How to.'

I think my friend Andy was right. Pride keeps me from asking for help.

Pride - ASK! Ask an expert. They are usually happy to help.

And know God is the ultimate expert. Forgiveness? ASK! Directions? or Direction? ASK!

Don't let pride keep you confused, useless or spinning your wheels.

* In todays world: Geek is a good thing!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Picking' a Pet...


Pickin' a Pet...
(through the eyes and ears of the pet)

"They are back. Pick me! Pick Me! I'm looking as cute and cuddly as I can. Oh, pick me!"

'Dad doesn't like black dogs!'

"Did she really say that? Is he a racist?"

'But, I don't want a white dog and a cream dog. We will take the little black one.'

"Did she really say that? That she would pick me!" 

'We will have to watch Piper. He might think she is a rat.'

"Who is Piper? A cat? A kid? Another dog? What is a rat?'

 "She picked me up. She chose me. Ok! We are outa' here. I'm going home. I'll have my own people. And another critter to play with. I hope Dad will like me. Maybe, he won't realize I'm black."

"I have a name now - Cessna. It goes with Piper. Dad is a pilot and loves planes. I hate the name Cessna. Sounds silly."

"Now, I'm in his lap. He is petting me. Giving me treats. He has treats for me! I'm gonna' call him: Dan, Dan the treat man. That is what she calls him."

"He likes me!" 

"Oh, Piper is a dog. A Westie. Seems really big. Now, he is sniffing me, but she is right here with me. She is much bigger than Piper. She will protect me."

'See your new friend. A playmate'

'You know, I don't like the name: Cessna. We are going to call you Jett. J.E.T.T. You are black. You run fast. And it is an airplane name.'

"Jett and Piper. I'm gonna' like it here."
 Jett went to join Piper after Christmas. Somewhere they are watching and waiting. Ten wonderful years she delighted us.